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Surveyshare Is Getting a New Look!

Posted on October 31, 2016 by Katie Benedetto Jones

It's about to become a whole new year, 2017. There are a lot of new starts happening around now. We'll have a brand new year for new goals, new projects, and new surveys. And here at SurveyShare, our CEO, Andy Jones, is welcoming our first child in December!

To celebrate these new starts and to better serve you, we decided to bring a fresh new look to SurveyShare as well.

We've been hard at work at this update and are soft-launching it over the next two months. Soon, logged in SurveyShare customers & trial members will be able to opt-in to use the updated site, at your convenience. After a while, we'll roll out this update for everyone. Here's a preview of what this update looks like:

We know you've loved SurveyShare for its consistency for over 15 years. We pride ourselves in consistency and ease of use, and we've stayed true to these values in this design update. With this update, you'll still have all the same great features that you've come to know and love. So today, Happy Halloween! And from SurveyShare there are no tricks - just a treat!

We hope you enjoy, and thank you for 15 years and counting! 

== About the Author ==

Katie Benedetto Jones, wife of SurveyShare CEO Andy Jones, is our front-end web developer and led our redesign project. She lives with Andy in Durham, North Carolina, with their two sweet cats - Ponyo and Red - and at 8 months pregnant, is excited for their first baby on the way!

Fun fact: as I (Katie) am writing this, I'm sitting in a beautifully handcrafted adirondack chair with matching table. My husband Andy is also an excellent woodworker!

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New Blog Format

Posted on March 25, 2013 by Andy Jones

We just tightened the integration of our blog with our website. 

Instead of seeing the blog as a separate entity, with a separate layout, the blog will appear integrated with the rest of the SurveyShare layout. This will hopefully make the blog more enjoyable to read and more useful to you.

We continue to make changes to SurveyShare. We want to make SurveyShare the best online survey tool for you to use. Many of our changes are driven by customer feedback. If you have a suggestion, we want to hear it. 

If you have any feedback, please feel free to contact us! You may e-mail us at support@surveyshare.com or call at 888-406-4496. 

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September 2012 Newsletter

Posted on September 2, 2012 by Andy Jones

SurveyShare September 2012 Newsletter

In this newsletter...

(1) New feature - Purchase anonymous responses for market research
(2) Attend Webinar on market research with SurveyShare - Sep 6th, 2pm EST
(3) Filter your results for better insight
(4) Thanks for 10 years in business and more!

(1) New feature - Purchase anonymous responses for market research

You may now purchase anonymous survey responses through SurveyShare. Paid survey responses are also a great way to get objective feedback anonymously on a number of subjects. You may conduct market research, test brand awareness, and more. 

When you purchase responses, you have complete control over their demographics. Even more importantly, we will start collecting responses immediately upon purchase. You may expect all responses within a 1 to 5 day period depending how many responses you want and the demographics chosen. However, as we collect responses, you can see them in real time so you can analyze data immediately.  

If you want to get started now, go ahead and create your survey. When you're ready to collect responses, head to the "My Surveys" section, then click on "Collect" for your survey. You'll find the link to purchase responses below the Response Link. 

(2) Attend Webinar on conducting market research - September 6th at 2pm EST

We're holding a web seminar on September 6th at 2pm EST. In this webinar we'll talk about market research and how to purchase paid responses through SurveyShare. If you'd like to join us, you can do so at http://www.anymeeting.com/surveyshare1  

We'll also cover the various uses of paid responses, what to expect, and how paid responses can benefit you. We'll end the session with Q&A where you can ask questions about our response panels or any other area of SurveyShare. The session should take about one hour. You'll want to arrive a few minutes before 2pm EST on September 6th at the following URL to get setup:  


If you'd like a reminder for the meeting, just drop us a quick note at support@surveyshare.com. We'll send you a reminder email the day of the meeting. 

(3) Filter your results for better insight

Response filters are one of the best ways to slice your data into distinct sets. You can then examine the differences and similarities between the sets to gain more insight. For example, do women and men differ in their opinion of a course? What differences exist between employees of different roles? 

Two of the most popular ways to divide data are by demographics or by position. For example. you might divide your employees based on their position in the company, between manager, staff, and hourly employee. Or, you might divide your data by a demographic like age to see if there is any difference in how different ages perceive their work environment or your product. 

If you'd like to divide your data into different sets, add a question to your survey that asks the respondents' position, role, gender, or any other useful demographic. Typically, you'll add a "choose one of many" question type. Be sure to mark the question as "must answer" to force a response and you're ready to go. You can then setup filters in the results section. 

(4) Thanks for 10 years in business and more!

SurveyShare has been in business for just over 10 years now. We appreciate all the feedback and help you guys have given us along the way. We look forward to 10 more year and beyond. If there's any way we can improve SurveyShare for you, please let us know. You can contact us at 888-406-4496 10a-6p EST or by email at support@surveyshare.com any time.